Royal Academy of Cambodia
Vietnam became a full member of ASEAN on 28 July 1995. Vietnam’s accession to the various ASEAN agreements demonstrates her commitment to economic cooperation in the region, to the opening up of her economy and to trade liberalization. Her current impressive economic growth testifies to this vigorous drive toward reforming her economy.
Vietnam is the country which I appreciate the most since this country knows what they have to do and knows the ways where they have to go for the betterment or good fate of the country. Vietnam shares borders with three countries: Cambodia (southwest), China (north), and Laos (northwest).
Vietnam is the country which has been implementing the very smart foreign policies toward all countries in the world such as the US, Canada, EU, Japan, ASEAN countries, and including China. Sometimes we may heard about the conflicts between China and Vietnam on many different Medias, but if we look at the trades between the two countries is very high. Do you know the amount of trade Relations Between China and Vietnam?
Developmental state’ strategies in Asia were based on strategic planning –something very different from the kind of command central planning which the Vietnamese bureaucracy is used to. A change towards strategic planning practices would require capacity building and institutional reforms along lines contrasting with the so-called ‘modern governance’ promoted by the international agencies. The political mandate for the implementation of such extraordinary state functions in market guidance was a result of the need by capitalist forces to protect their long-term interests in a situation of crisis.
The political mandate for state-led industrialization along a ‘Developmental State’ model in Vietnam would require a different kind of political consensus – something that is currently barely visible in the country. Central to the possibility of implementing a ‘Developmental State’ kind of economic policy will be dependence on the role of the national elites, i.e. on the choice to act as a national bourgeoisie or to pursue integration into a transnational alliance of capitalist forces.
Vietnam is the very Smart Country and has the very specific strategies to develop the country. For the first step of development in Cambodia, I personally encourage Cambodia to follow through the experiences of Vietnam: Cambodian Government and Cambodian citizens should pay high attention to agricultural products through inspiring citizens to grow vegetables and other useful herbs, and then the government should facilitate markets for farmers to sell their products. Cambodia is too far away from Vietnam, in terms of development and social infrastructure as well as the feeling of nationalism.
Owing to the history of Cambodia and Vietnam, some of Cambodian citizens don’t like Vietnamese citizens or Vietnamese products, but Cambodian people are the strong supporters of Vietnamese products since Cambodian people do not grow vegetables or herbs by themselves, many Cambodian farmers just like to buy vegetables and herbs from the markets in their location although they have big free land. Many Cambodian citizens are very Lazy and they always Angry at Persons who criticize them, for instance, there are many people reacted strongly toward Academician SOK Touch, president of Royal Academy of Cambodia due to he said Cambodian people are Lazy. If there is No Market to sell the products, why don’t just grow vegetables to eat in families?
I appreciate Vietnam in this article, it does not mean that I do not like other countries, with all respect to all countries in the world which are the good friends of Cambodia but I think there are so many steps and so many things that Cambodia needs to do for the development of Cambodia, and sometimes I reckon Cambodia should pay attention to legacies that consisted in their her hands is better than looking for something which is still in the bush.
(Dr. Seun Sam is the Public Relations Official of Royal Academy of Cambodia. Meaning in this article is his personal idea, it is not the reflection of Royal Academy of Cambodia. You can reach him through his personal email: [email protected])
RAC Media
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