
Cambodian Students’ Motivation to Learn English: A Case Study of a Private University in Phnom Penh By: Sothea Seng, Secretariat of Council of Academicians, Royal Academy of Cambodia

2023-08-07 14:13:07 ថ្ងៃច័ន្ទ, 07 សីហា 2023, 02:13 PM

The present small-scale study examined the relationship between integrative and instrumental motivation and English proficiency among Cambodian university students. The participants were seventy-two (n=72) year-one students who learned English as a foreign language (EFL). The data were gathered through a survey questionnaire, an interview, and an English proficiency test. The findings indicated that the students’ learning motivation was slightly better in integrative motivation compared to instrumental motivation. In addition, motivational orientations, including integrative and instrumental motivation, were found to be no significantly differences in term of gender. Interestingly, there existed a weak correlation between integrative motivation and English proficiency.

Read the Full article below:



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