
Job Announcement for Project Manager

2025-03-07 05:08:39 ថ្ងៃសុក្រ, 07 មីនា 2025 ម៉ោង 12:08 PM
អ្នកមើល 540

Job Title: Project Manager

Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Employment Type: Full-Time Contract


Job Summary:

The Royal Academy of Cambodia has received grant from the Mekong Institute to implement a regional project for “Building Climate-Resilient Rain Schools in the Mekong Region” starting from April 2025 until April 2027. We are now seeking for a qualified and experienced candidate for a full-time position of “Project Manager” to support our project management team, based in Phnom Penh.


Key Responsibilities:

A. Project Management & Coordination

·        Oversee the project lifecycle, ensuring alignment with the Mekong-ROK Cooperation Fund (MKCF) objectives and Mekong Institute (MI) guidelines;

·        Develop and implement detailed project plans, work schedules, and budgets;

·        Coordinate with project partners, including government agencies, NGOs, and schools;

·        Ensure smooth communication and collaboration among stakeholders in the Mekong Region (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam).

B. Monitoring & Reporting

·        Track project progress against key performance indicators (KPIs) and report to Mekong Institute and funding agencies;

·        Prepare and submit timely technical and financial reports to project donors;

·        Ensure compliance with project guidelines, risk management frameworks, and quality control standards.

C. Capacity Building & Stakeholder Engagement

·        Organize training sessions, workshops, and awareness programs on rainwater harvesting and climate resilience;

·        Engage local communities, schools, and policymakers to promote sustainability;

·        Foster partnerships with universities, research institutions, and environmental organizations.

D. Financial & Administrative Management

·        Manage project funds efficiently, ensuring accountability and transparency;

·        Oversee procurement, contracts, and financial reporting;

·        Maintain proper documentation of project activities, expenditures, and audit requirements.


E. Risk Management & Sustainability Planning

·        Identify risks and develop mitigation strategies for project sustainability;

·        Ensure climate-resilient infrastructure and best environmental practices in school projects;

·        Develop post-project sustainability plans for continued impact beyond the funded period.

5. Qualification Requirements

A. Education

·        Bachelor's or Master's degree in Civil Engineering, Environmental Science, Project Management, Water Resources Management, or related fields.

B. Experience

·        Minimum 3–5 years of project management experience in climate resilience, water management, or international development projects;

·        Experience working with government agencies, donors, and international organizations in the Mekong region;

·        Strong background in monitoring and evaluation, financial management, and stakeholder engagement.

C. Skills & Competencies

·        Project Management: Ability to lead and coordinate multi-stakeholder projects;

·        Technical Knowledge: Expertise in rainwater harvesting, climate resilience, and school infrastructure;

·        Communication: Strong verbal and written skills in English (knowledge of Mekong region languages is an asset);

·        Analytical & Problem-Solving: Ability to assess risks, develop solutions, and ensure sustainability;

·        Team Leadership: Experience in managing teams, supervising staff, and fostering collaboration.

6. Working Conditions

·        Contract Duration: Two years contract (full-time);

·        Location: Royal Academy of Cambodia, Phnom Penh;

·        Working Hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:00AM to 5:00PM (with one (01) hour lunch break from 12:00PM to 1:00PM);

·        Salary Range: USD 800 - USD 900/month.

Application Submission:

            Interested candidate should send the following documents to Mr. MAM Sarith via [email protected]   Mobile Phone: (855)12-944-740 before March 15, 2025 by 5:00PM. Only shortlist applicant will be contacted for interview.

Required Documents:

1)     Cover Letter: Explaining the reason and commitment for applying this position

Curriculum Vitae (CV) with Photo


បណ្ឌិត យង់ ពៅ៖ ដើម្បីធានាស្ថិរភាពនយោបាយនិងសង្គម ច្បាប់ត្រូវតែធានាឱ្យបាននូវយុត្តិធម៌សង្គម ហើយមនុស្សទាំងអស់ត្រូវទទួលបានសមធម៌នៅចំពោះមុខច្បាប់

ជាស្មារតីទទួលខុសត្រូវក្នុងនាមជាពលរដ្ឋនៃប្រទេសជាតិមួយ មនុស្សទាំងអស់នៅក្នុងសង្គម ត្រូវតែគោរពនិងអនុវត្តទៅតាមច្បាប់ដែលមានជាធរមាននៅក្នុងសង្គមជាតិរបស់ខ្លួន។ នៅពេលដែលមានការប្រព្រឹត្តបទល្មើស ត្រូវតែមានការបង្ក...

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ឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹងសំណួររបស់អ្នកសារព័ត៌មានអំពី ការអំពាវនាវរបស់ក្រុមអ្នកនយោបាយប្រឆាំងនៅក្រៅប្រទេស ឱ្យពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរចូលរួមធ្វើបាតុកម្មនៅថ្ងៃទី២៩ ខែមករា ឆ្នាំ២០២៥  ពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងបញ្ហាអធិបតេយ្យលើកោះគុជ លោកបណ្ឌិត...

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