
Job Announcement Project Assistant

2025-03-07 05:07:31 ថ្ងៃសុក្រ, 07 មីនា 2025 ម៉ោង 12:07 PM
អ្នកមើល 575

Job Title: Project Assistant

Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Employment Type: Full-Time Contract


Job Summary:

The Royal Academy of Cambodia has received grant from the Mekong Institute to implement a regional project for “Building Climate-Resilient Rain Schools in the Mekong Region” starting from April 2025 until April 2027. We are now seeking for a qualified and experienced candidate for a full-time position of “Project Assistant” to support our project management team, based in Phnom Penh.

Key Responsibilities:

§  Assist the Project Manager in daily work including administrative support;

§  Meeting and workshop support: Prepare meeting agenda, participate in meetings and seminars, take notes and prepare Minutes of Meeting;

§  Translation and interpretation: Interpret and translate documents between Khmer and English;

§  Project Coordination: Provide necessary arrangements and coordinate all project activities;

§  Prepare of administrative letter when project required;

§  Communicate with team members, partners, and stakeholders to ensure smooth implementation of the project; and

§  Organize and maintain project files, reports, and other documentation.

Qualification Requirements:

§  Education: Bachelor’s degree

§  Experience: Minimum of two years of relevant working experiences

§  Language Skills: Proficiency in listening, speaking, and writing English;

§  Technical Skills: Proficiency in computer skills including Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point;

§  Working Style: Ability to work both independently and as part of a team;

§  Strong organizational and time management skills with the ability to prioritize tasks;

§  Excellent written and verbal communication skills;

§  High attention to detail and problem-solving skills; and

§  Willing to travel within the country.

Working Conditions:

§  Contract Duration: Two years contract (full-time);

§  Location: Royal Academy of Cambodia, Phnom Penh;

§  Working Hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:00AM to 5:00PM (with one (01) hour lunch break from 12:00PM to 1:00PM)

§  Salary Range: USD400-USD500/month

Application Submission:

Interested candidate should send the following documents to Mr. MAM Sarith via [email protected]  Mobile Phone: (855)12-944-740 before March 15, 2025 by 5:00PM. Only shortlist applicant will be contacted for interview.

Required Documents:

1)     Cover Letter: Explaining the reason and commitment for applying this position

Curriculum Vitae (CV) with Photo


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បណ្ឌិត យង់ ពៅ៖ វិទ្យាសាស្ត្រនយោបាយ គឺជាវិទ្យាសាស្ត្រដឹកនាំមនុស្ស

(រាជបណ្ឌិត្យសភាកម្ពុជា)៖ «វិទ្យាសាស្ត្រនយោបាយ គឺជាវិទ្យាសាស្ត្រដឹកនាំមនុស្ស ព្រោះគ្រប់ការសម្រេចចិត្តទាំងអស់សុទ្ធសឹងតែពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងនយោបាយ ហើយគ្មានវិទ្យាសាស្ត្រណាមួយដែលគេចផុតពីនយោបាយនោះទេ» នេ...

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