Royal Academy of Cambodia
Indo-Pacific is a geopolitical term that is much debated by politicians, political analysts and strategists. The Indo-Pacific accounts for almost 62% of global GDP, equivalent to two-thirds of global growth, and is likely to increase in the future. In east and south Asia, the Indo-Pacific has four major economic powers: China, Japan India and the Republic of Korea (ROK).
This region itself denotes a new era of maritime politics, wherein maritime connections and events hold significant importance. Many major countries have published their own Indo-Pacific concepts and strategies, and the ROK is one among them.
On 28 December 2022, President Yoon released the ROK’s Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS), a strategy for a free, peaceful and prosperous Indo-pacific region, which prioritizes building a multi-layered and comprehensive network of cooperation with the Indo-Pacific region. The document outlines the ROK’s intention to enhance comprehensive partnerships covering a broad range of areas, from the economy to traditional and non-traditional security.
In only a few short decades, the ROK transitioned into a developed country and liberal democracy based on human rights and the rule of law. In the regional context, the ROK is considered as an important economic partner but not a key strategic player. The ROK’s strategy of focusing on inter-Korean relations and issues, and promoting its new regional role as a “Global Pivotal State” is a sign of the its ambition to become a “major state in the world.”
The Yoon government confirmed its intention to build engagement with other countries interested to participate in its IPS based on common values. The implementing of ROK’s IPS focuses on diplomatic channels and promoting freedom and democracy.
In contrast to the United States, Japan and Canada, always wary of China’s rise, the ROK's comprehensive strategy has sought to include China, a key trading partner, as “a key partner for achieving prosperity and peace in the Indo-Pacific region.” The document also confirmed to China that “ROK will nurture a sounder and more mature relationship, guided by international norms and rules.”
However, the strategy document received two opposite reactions, it was welcomed by the U.S and caused discomfort for China. In response to the discomfort of China, Yoon government sent a clear message that the ROK will work with all countries if they abide by existing rules and international norms, and universal values, and that the future cooperation between Seoul and Beijing in the Indo-Pacific entirely depends on participating countries.
Within the IPS, President Yoon introduced the Korea-ASEAN Solidarity Initiative (KASI), a regional policy customized for Seoul’s core partner - ASEAN - within the framework of the IPS. On Sept 6, 2023, President Yoon said, “The KASI announced by the Korean government last year is based on the centrality of ASEAN and the ROK’s firm support for ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP)” adding, “Let us go together for the co-prosperity of Korea and ASEAN.”
The ROK is one of ASEAN’s main partners and together they have steadily developed cooperative relations in politics, security, economic and socio-cultural pillars - the three areas most important to the ASEAN community.
Southeast Asia plays a key role in the ROK’s Indo-Pacific ambitions, The region is rich in natural resources, including critical minerals; thus, it is clear that ASEAN would become a primary strategic focus through the KASI. President Yoon announced that the initiative is the basis of his government's engagement with ASEAN members.
For Southeast Asia, the ROK’s status as a fast growing arms exporter and a giant electronics manufacturer, especially in semi-conductors and memory chips. Additionally, the rise of soft power influence such as K-pop, K-film, or “Hallyu”, which have been welcomed in the region, would help boost the ROK’s strategic standing.
Therefore, it is clear that the KASI is aiming to improve economic ties and deepen cooperation within the AOIP’s four priority areas of connectivity, economic, maritime, and sustainable development cooperation.
For ASEAN, the KASI further enhances the bilateral partnership and the potential to upgrade the ‘strategic partnership’ to ‘a comprehensive strategic partnership’ in 2024. This is a sign that the two parties can move beyond mere political statement and elevate their relations into a more sustainable and equal partnership.
Based on ASEAN Centrality and the AOIP, to promote a free, peaceful, and prosperous region, the ROK announced that it would double cooperation funds related to ASEAN until 2027 to promote future cooperation and declared its will and determination to establish the highest level of partnership by going beyond purely economic considerations to strengthen foreign policy and security cooperation.
Overall, ASEAN welcomed and took note of the ROK’s policy on KASI and looks forward to receiving more details about the initiative.
Among ASEAN member states, Cambodia is most supportive of the ROK’s IPS and KASI believing that tremendous economic opportunities can be generated. The ROK’s IPS is an excellent opportunity for Cambodia and the ROK to raise their bilateral relationship to a new level.
The re-establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries dates to late 1997. Over the past 26 years, relations and cooperation between both nations in all fields have been strengthened and expanded and have brought huge benefits to the two nations and peoples.
The ROK is one of Cambodia’s key trade partners with the bilateral trade volume increased from US$729.13 million in 2020 to US$778.92 million in 2022 and is also one of the Kingdom’s key official development assistances (ODA) providers for socio-economic, education, healthcare, agriculture and infrastructure development. Cambodia and the ROK also formally signed a free trade agreement on October 21, 2021, which became effective on December 1, 2022.
During talks with President Yoon on the sidelines of the 43rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits in Jakarta, Indonesia, Cambodian Premier Hun Manet suggested upgrading to the “Cambodia-ROK comprehensive strategic partnership” in the immediate future.
During the 24th ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Prak Sokhon, Ex-Minister of Foreign Affair and International Cooperation, welcomed the ROK’s effort to “promote meaningful, substantive and mutually beneficial cooperation through the KASI” and emphasized the importance of free and open trade to advance regional economic integration. Mr. Prak suggested that ASEAN and the ROK need to fully capitalize on bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, including the RCEP.
From a Cambodia perspective, the firm standing of the ROK in building a free, peaceful and prosperous Indo-Pacific is in accordance with the pentagonal strategy of the new government of Cambodia led by Premier Hun Manet. The strategy attaches great importance to growth, employment, equity, efficiency and sustainability, aiming at protecting, preserving and accumulating national achievements, promoting national prestige, enhancing economic growth and building the foundation toward realizing Cambodia’s Vision 2050.
Under the leadership of Premier Hun Manet, it is clear that Cambodia will continue to strengthen and expand its relations with the ROK to bring additional benefits for both peoples and nations.
Prospectively, the KASI can be a key factor for strengthening and deepening bilateral relations and cooperation between Cambodia and the ROK in many areas such as trade, agriculture, service, high technology investment and ICT, and also military and cyber-security cooperation.
The ROK’s IPS is an important marker that will enable the country to re-engage many countries in the most dynamic and contested region. This will also serve as a compass to guide the ROK’s geostrategic direction and approach towards U.S.-China competition in the Indo-Pacific while the ROK-ASEAN partnership and its bilateral cooperation with ASEAN member states will be further consolidated.
Mr. Thun Chhay Piseth is Director of Department of the International Politics and Security,
International Relations Institute of Cambodia,
Royal Academy of Cambodia
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