H.E. Dr. HANG Chuon Naron
H.E. Dr. HANG Chuon Naron is currently Minister of Education, Youth and Sport and Vice-Chairman of the Supreme National Economic Council (SNEC), a Think Tank of the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Date of Birth | : 02 January 1962 |
Place of Birth | : Phnom Penh, Cambodia |
Sex | : Male |
Nationality | : Cambodian |
Marital status | : Married with two children |
Home Address | : No 18, St. 302, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. |
Office Address | : Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, #80, Preah Norodom Boulevard, |
Tel | : (855) 12 843 889; (855) 23 217 250 |
Fax | : (855) 23 217 250 |
a. Academic Training
2018 | : | PhD in Education Administration from Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. |
2012 | : | Diploma, Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy, Seventeenth Annual Program. |
2010-2012 | : | Master’s Degree in International and Comparative Law (LL.M), Joint Degree Program, Royal University of Law and Economics (Cambodia), University of Lyon II (France). |
2006-2008 | : | - Associate, Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), London; |
1988-1991 | : | Ph.D. degree in economics (international economics), Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO), Russia. |
1985-1988 | : | Masters' degree in economics (international economics), Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO), Russia. |
1982-1985 | : | Student at the School of International Relations and International Law, Kiev State University, Ukraine. |
1981-1982 | : | Cambodian Institute of Technology, Preparatory courses. |
1980-1981 | : | High School Certificate, Sisowath High School, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. |
b. Short-term Training in International Law
September 2011 : IBRU Workshop on Maritime Boundary Delimitation organized by the International Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU) of Durham University, the Centre for International Law (CIL) and the NUS Faculty of Law on 19-21 September 2011 at the National University of Singapore.
June 2011 : International Conference on Joint Development and the South China Sea organized by the Centre for International Law (CIL), National University of Singapore, on 16th-17th June 2011 at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore.
c. Executive Training
2008 : Executive Program, National School of Administration (ENA), France.
2004 : Executive Program, JF Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
a. Current Position
- Minister, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
- Permanent Vice Chairman, Supreme National Economic Council
b. Other Appointments
1. Vice Chairman, Academician Council of the Royal Academy of Cambodia (Since 2017-present)
2. Secretary of State (Deputy Minister), Ministry of Economy and Finance (Before September 2013;
3. Deputy Chair, Steering Committee on Financial Sector Development in Cambodia (Since 2011);
4. Chairman, Board of Directors, Community-Based Natural Resource Management Learning Institute (Since February 2005);
5. Member of the Board of Directors of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) (2010-present)
c. Academic Experiences
- Lecturer on “Banking Institutions in Cambodia”, for the Master 2 of «Risk Management in Insurance, Banking and Finance», Royal University of Law and Economics (Cambodia)/ University of Nantes (France), 22 October-14 November 2012.
- Lecturer on “Cambodian Economy”, for the Master 2 «Entrepreneurship and Project Management», Royal University of Law and Economics (Cambodia)/ University of Nantes (France), 2012.
2013-Present | : | - Minister of Education, Youth and Sport; |
2012 | : | - Represented Cambodia at the G20 Finance Minister and Central Bank Governor Meetings during Cambodian Chairmanship of ASEAN. |
2011 | : | - Deputy Chief of Cambodian delegation to the WTO Trade Policy Review (Geneva, 1-3 November 2011). |
2004-2010 | : | - Secretary General, Ministry of Economy and Finance; |
| - Secretary General, Supreme National Economic Council; |
| - Chairman, Board of Directors and Management Board, Cambodian Reinsurance Company (2002-2011); |
| - Chairman, Board of Directors, Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) (2005-2011); |
| - Vice Chairman, Board of Directors, Telecom Cambodia (2005-2011); |
| - Member, Board of Directors, Electricity of Cambodia (EDC) (2000-2011); |
| - Member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) for 2009-2010; |
| - Chair, Technical Committee on Financial Sector Development in Cambodia (Since 2001-2010). |
| - Member, Board of Directors, Youth Star Cambodia (2006-2012); |
| - Secretary General, Economic Cooperation between Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam or ACMECS (2003-2012); |
| - Secretary General, Economic Cooperation between Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam or ACMECS (2003-2012); |
| - Member of the Government Committee for the Preparation of the National Strategic Development Plan (2006-2010). |
2011-2012 | : | - Member, External Advisory Board, Report on ASEAN 2030: Growing Together for Shared Prosperity, ADBI. June 2011-June 2012. |
2006 | : | - Assistant to the Eminent Person Group for the ASEAN Charter. |
2005 | : | - Assistant to the Eminent Person Group for the ASEAN-China Cooperation Strategy. |
2001-2004 | : | - Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Economy and Finance; |
| - Economic Assistant to the Prime Minister; |
| - Director, Economic and Financial Policy Planning and Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Economy and Finance, responsible for coordinating fiscal reform programs with the international financial institutions (ADB, IMF, World Bank). |
2000-2001 | : | - First Deputy Director, Budget and Financial Affairs Department; |
| - Economic Assistant to the Prime Minister; |
| - Research Fellow, Cambodian Institute of Cooperation and Peace; |
| - Member, East Asia Vision Group (Produced a Report on "Towards and East Asian Community", which has become the architecture for the cooperation between ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea). |
1999-2000 | : | - World Bank consultant to the Ministry of Economy and Finance; |
1995-1998 | : | - Senior Research Officer, Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh. |
1993-1995 | : | - Research Assistant, Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh. |
1992 | : | - Training Assistant, Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI); |
1991-1992 | : | - Staff member, Supreme National Council (SNC) Secretariat; |
1988-1990 | : | - Attache, Cambodian Embassy in Moscow, USSR. |
1. World Bank. 1999-2000: Research Coordinator, Economic Advisory Team, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Kingdom of Cambodia;
2. International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). 2001: Economic Planning and Protected Areas: Toward the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources.
· Royal School of Administration
2001/02 : Public Finance
· Economics and Finance Institute
2000/02 : Public Finance
2003-2005 : Academic Adviser, MBA Program for the Economics and Finance Institute (Cambodia)/ Charles Sturt University (Australia);
- Mother tongue: Khmer
- Foreign Languages: English, French and Russian
1. Thesis
- Hang Chuon Naron. 1991. Cambodia's Foreign Economic Policies. (Ph.D. degree thesis. Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Moscow, USSR).
- Hang Chuon Naron. 1988. The Problems of Economic Development in Cambodia and the Perspectives of Her Foreign Economic Relations. (Masters’ degree thesis. Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Moscow, USSR)
2. Books
- Hang Chuon Naron (2012). Regards sur le différend maritime khméro-thaïlandais à la lumière de la jurisprudence internationale, Phnom Penh, Édition de Preah Vihear, (French);
- Hang Chuon Naron (2010). L’économie du Cambodge: Nouvelles frontières du développement socio-économique, Phnom Penh, Édition de Preah Vihear, (French);
- Hang Chuon Naron (2009). Cambodian Economy: Charting the Course of a Brighter Future. A Survey of Progress, Problems and Prospects, Phnom Penh: Preah Vihear Editions, (English);
- Hang Chuon Naron (2009). The Temple of Preah Vihear, Phnom Penh: Preah Vihear Edition, (Khmer);
- Hang Chuon Naron (2009). Macroeconomics, Phnom Penh: Preah Vihear Edition (Khmer);
- Hang Chuon Naron (2008). Introduction to Insurance, Phnom Penh (English);
- Hang Chuon Naron (2008). Three Essays on Macroeconomic Management of Cambodia, Phnom Penh (English);
- Hang Chuon Naron (2008). Recent Macroeconomic and Financial Sector Developments in Cambodia, Phnom Penh (English);
- Hang Chuon Naron et Patrick Gilbert-Desvallons (2007). Les Finances Publiques du Cambodge, Phnom Penh (French);
- Hang Chuon Naron (2007). Essais économiques, Phnom Penh (French);
- Hang Chuon Naron (2005). L’économie du Cambodge: La Lutte pour le Développement. Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh (French);
3. Government Policy Papers
- Hang Chuon Naron was author and contributor to many Cambodian Government policy papers.
- Tennis, Soccer and Swimming